The use of conjoint analysis in the design of new transportation systems: the case of the car train of the University Cultural District in Guadalajara
conjoint analysis, Guadalajara, urban designAbstract
The consideration of citizen opinion on the design of new urban projects seems incontestable right , but unless techniques based on surveys , there are few quantitative instruments to implement this right. In this article we use the pooled analysis, a technique based on choice experiments to include the preferences of future users in the design of a possible transport system " lorry convoy " in the Cultural District , University of Guadalajara. The use of this technique is very convenient since the transportation system is evaluated based on a group rapid transit , which is new in the national context , and should be evaluated before the preferences and perceptions of potential users , to be able to design a way that is most appropriate to citizenship.
The results, based on a preliminary sample , suggest a different view on the attributes that bring more value to the project from that based on expert opinion. Thus, the functional aspects (eg, network layout , shaped vehicle called ) , were more relevant for users who are not related to the level of security, privacy , environmental issues and urban design of the stations own .
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