Architectural temporality as an aesthetic experiential object
architectural temporality, experiential object, aestheticsAbstract
This article seeks to demonstrate how the conception of temporality allows architecture to evolve in different directions. This multiplicity of mediations will allow a new perception of intense space-temporal bifurcations, essential in architecture, since they generate unexpected, diverse and contradictory events for the individual. In essence, it is a contingency that allows to achieve a state of distinction to experience the transformations and processes that time establishes for architecture. For these reasons, being very close to the aesthetic dis-order is to be between two temporalities at stake: that of production and reception. Therefore, this exploration relates the experience of time in space through the lens of aesthetic perception, whose theoretical-projectual method allows the reciprocal relationship between different works and authors to be analyzed from phenomenological description and hermeneutic interpretation, in order to highlight the interdependence between distinctions under the concept of time and temporality. It is concluded that the potential of such a reading is directed towards an architecture that gives shape to the change, fluidity and weightlessness that marks all reality; an architecture that explores the slow permanence of an existential way in aesthetic dis-order.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Giovanni Castellanos Garzón, Jairo Humberto Agudelo Castañeda, Sandra Marcela Bustacara-Panzza

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