perception of domestic architecture in times of confinement in Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico




Domestic architecture, confinement, perception.


The study presents the result of an investigation whose purpose was to determine if domestic architecture positively or negatively influences user behavior in times of confinement due to covid-19 based on an exploratory analysis. In such a situation, there is the possibility that the space inhabited to comply with a confinement was decisive to benefit or harm the health of the user regardless of whether or not they were infected and, where appropriate, identify if they had relief and benefit with the different characteristics of the space. to confine The methodology proposes a non-probabilistic sampling by applying a questionnaire in eight neighborhoods of different social strata in the city, for which the information was collected and its variables were defined, which were integrated into a database for statistical analysis. The main results revealed that the influence of architectural variables on the physical and psychological well-being of the inhabitan is altered by the confinement situation.


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Author Biographies

ARTURO OJEDA DE LA CRUZ, Universidad de Sonora

Profesor Investigador titular 

Depto. de Ing. Civil y Minas / Division de Ingenieria

David Dominguez FRanco, University of Sonora

He graduated with honors from the Master's degree in Urban Engineering from the University of Sonora.

He is currently a PhD student in Humanities, Architecture line, at the University of Sonora

Israel Miranda Pasos, Universidad de Sonora

He is a PhD in Engineering. He is a Civil Engineer. Full-time tenured professor in the Department of Civil Engineering and Mines of the University of Sonora. He is a member of the academic nucleus of the master's degree in Urban Engineering. He is a member of the National System of Researchers, Conahcyt candidate level.


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How to Cite

OJEDA DE LA CRUZ, A., Dominguez FRanco, D., & Miranda Pasos, I. (2024). perception of domestic architecture in times of confinement in Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico. CONTEXTO. Revista De La Facultad De Arquitectura De La Universidad Autónoma De Nuevo León, 18(27), 81–94.