The hasukjip: situation in 2020s. in the Republic of Korea and abroad




Korea, housing studies, economy, hasukjip, urban studies


Abstract. The hasukjip (하숙집) is a form of small business in the South Korean cities. It consists of a house with a number (small hasukjip has near 10-20 rooms, but big- some dozens rooms or more) boarding rooms. Before Coronavirus situation any Korean and foreign students living in hasukjips and Koreans understood hasukjips only as a type of private dormitory, but if we examine the example of changes in hasukjips we can also consider trends in the Korean society. Although hasukjips reflect elements and aspects of the various sides of the life in Korea, Korean and foreign scholars have not undertaken research on the situation of the hasukjip or changes in its history and this institution remains little-unknown in the Western academic world.

This work based on the sociological materials (these interviews had place in 2022. In this sociological interview for persons, who lived in the hasukjips, took part 184 Korean people and 20 foreigners. Moreover, was created interview for masters of the hasukjip. In this event took part 50 persons. Lists of the interview and further information were added as attachments) and some written works.

The aim of this article is to consider modern situation of the hasukjip in Korea and abroad, its place in life of the Korean people.


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Author Biography

Alexander Kim, 7-9020521334

Dr. Mariia Surzhik, independent scholar (Russian Federation). E-mail address -

degree- Ph D

citizenship - Russia

last publications-

1) A. Kim, A. Mamychev, M. Surzhik, Soviet Koreans in Uzbekistan in the First Year after Deportation in 1937, in: European Journal of Korean Studies. VOLUME 21, NO. 1 (2021), pp. 213–226.  (Journal in ESCI and SCOPUS)

2)  A. Kim, A. Mamychev, M. Surzhik, Soviet Koreans and Far Eastern NKVD in the 1930s. in: East Asia 2021. No. 3, 93-193. (Journal in AHCI and SCOPUS)

Dr. Alexander Kim, workplace- Associate professor, Vladivostok State University , Institute of law, Department of international relations and law, Russia degree- Ph D citizenship- Russia. last publications -  1)                         Rebellion by Da Yen-lin, in: Annalles D´Universite “Valahia” Targoviste, Section d’Archéologie et d’Histoire, 2021 (will be published in 2022) (Journal in SCOPUS list).

2)                         The Horse in Bohai and Jurchen Societies - Based on Osteological Studies from the Southern Part of the Russian Far East in: Central Asiatic Journal. Vol. 64, No. 1-2 (2021), pp. 155-164 (Journal in ARTS & HUMANITIES CITATION INDEX/ AHCI)

 3) Bohai population remaining in the Khitan Empire Liao in period 926-1029 (on the basis of Russian and Korean materials), in: Annalles D´Universite “Valahia” Targoviste, Section d’Archéologie et d’Histoire, tome XXII. 2020. pp. 69-76. (Journal in SCOPUS list). (Q 2)

4)         A. Kim, A. Mamychev, L. Petrov, The Resistance against Stalin Repressions from Upravlenie Narodnogo Komissariata Vnutrennych Del at 1930s in the Soviet Far East, in: Nuova Rivista Storica, Settembre - Dicembre 2021. No.3. pp. 1287- 1306. (Journal in AHCI and SCOPUS)

5)         A. Kim, A. Mamychev, M. Surzhik, Soviet Koreans in Uzbekistan in the First Year after Deportation in 1937, in: European Journal of Korean Studies. VOLUME 21, NO. 1 (2021), pp. 213–226.  (Journal in ESCI and SCOPUS)

6)         A. Kim, A. Mamychev, M. Surzhik, Soviet Koreans and Far Eastern NKVD in the 1930s. in: East Asia 2021. No. 3, 93-193. (Journal in AHCI and SCOPUS)

Ms. Aleksandra Motorina, independent scholar,  (Russian Federation), e-mail address-

Degree- MA

citizenship- Russia.

last publications - N/A



Sociological interviews

Oral materials.

Written materials

In English

Kim Alexander, The hasukjip: its history and current situation, in: Bitácora urbano territorial, vol. 3. Number 1. 2016. pp. 33-40 DOI:

Korean language program (2010). Seoul: Yonsei university Press.

In Korean periodicals

Hasukjip lobby (하숙촌 르뽀). 1978-11-09, in: The University`s newspaper of Seoul National University (서울대학교 대학신문사).

Ko Je-seok (고재석). 1993-05-10. The Hasukjip in which love has blossomed (사랑이 꽃피는 하숙집), in: The University newspaper of Seoul National University (서울대학교 대학신문사).

Kang Yun-ju (강윤주). 2009-12-09. Seoul, Sinchon, the hasuk village is popular among foreign students (서울 신촌 하숙촌, 외국인 유학생에 인기), in: Korean newspaper (한국일보),

Internet resources


보석 비빔밥/ Poseok Bibimpap



How to Cite

Kim, A. (2024). The hasukjip: situation in 2020s. in the Republic of Korea and abroad. CONTEXTO. Revista De La Facultad De Arquitectura De La Universidad Autónoma De Nuevo León, 18(28), 54–62.