Life cycle and hermeneutic circle

Design methodology with sustainability criteria


  • Oscar Mauricio Alarcón Rodríguez Universidad Católica de Colombia
  • Anna Gabriela Ramírez Cuastuza Universidad Católica de Colombia



Arquitectura; contexto; ecosistemas; resiliencia; regeneración.


Building a conceptual structure for architectural design with sustainability criteria is a very broad framework, if the approach is intended to group the various strategies available to organize and order ideas to be used later in the design. It could be useful in practice, but not in the adaptation, innovation and creativity of the unpredictable and indeterminate factors that are generated in the current context of constant environmental, social and political change at the global level. Therefore, it is essential, the search for a methodological process that allows to be adaptive and resilient, to respond to the elements of transformation of the problematic situations presented. In terms of sustainability, quantitative methods in a focused way isolate the systems, and qualitative methods could deviate by increasing the humanization of the impacts. Presenting hermeneutics as an alternative methodology that places global and local scales in constant interaction of context, to consider possible relationships of all aspects of interplanetary life, including the human species, can generate a different vision of the purposes of sustainability, as a systematic process. It seeks to understand the cause of the situations that currently affect life on the planet, to define the levels and scales of impacts in a given and delimited context, through a method of study that is adaptive and regenerative with sustainability criteria grafted in the multiple spheres of life.


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Author Biography

Anna Gabriela Ramírez Cuastuza, Universidad Católica de Colombia

Pregrado, Arquitectura, Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Bogotá D. C. (Colombia)

Posgrado, Mg. Hábitat sustentable y eficiencia energética. Universidad del Bio Bio. Concepción (Chile)

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How to Cite

Alarcón Rodríguez, O. M., & Ramírez Cuastuza, A. G. (2024). Life cycle and hermeneutic circle: Design methodology with sustainability criteria. CONTEXTO. Revista De La Facultad De Arquitectura De La Universidad Autónoma De Nuevo León, 18(27), 70–80.