Self-construction in Lima: a population habit that shapes the urban environment




Self-construction, Habitus, Urban environment, Lima


In the Peruvian capital, self-construction has ceased to be an almost exclusive manifestation of the poor peripheral areas of any large Latin American metropolis, to become a common practice of most of the population of Lima at the time of building a house or similar. The purpose of this study was to research deeper into the feelings of those who opt for self-construction to know the reasons underlying this complex phenomenon seen from the viewpoint of the concept of habitus. Qualitative research was carried out using the in-depth interview technique, with the participation of users and expert informants. The results showed that self-construction arises due to different reasons, and that is configured as habitus, regardless of socioeconomic level. The authors believe that, together with the various motivations and variables involved in the phenomenon under study (need, costs, burocracy, informality, and pragmatism), among the factors behind this social transformation and expansion are the public policies installed under the neoliberal model in Peru. It is because since 1990, economic growth has been considered a top priority over the institutional development required by the country.


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Author Biographies

Boris Castro, Universidad de Ciencias y Artes de América Latina (UCAL)

Arquitecto. Maestría en Educación, con mención en Creatividad. Docente investigador de la Universidad de Ciencias y Artes de América Latina (UCAL). Autor de la patente de invención: "Sistema modular de vivienda colectiva con agrupamiento horizontal y vertical"; la cual consiste en una propuesta de solución a la vivienda de interés social y en propiciar el desarrollo de ciudades compactas.

Bexi Perdomo, Universidad de Ciencias y Artes de América Latina (UCAL)

Dr. in Human Sciences, MSc. in Education, Lic in Education, and Lawyer. She is a researcher accredited by the Ministries of Science and Technology of Peru and Venezuela. She is currently a research professor at the Universidad de Ciencias y Artes de América Latina (UCAL), Lima-Peru. She is a member of the editorial board and peer reviewer for scientific journals in several countries. She has been a lecturer and workshop facilitator at national and international scientific congresses. She has published books, chapters, and articles in indexed journals. She has participated in inter-institutional scientific exchanges in Latin America, the Caribbean, and Europe and has received awards and decorations for her achievements as a teacher and researcher.


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How to Cite

Castro, B., & Perdomo, B. (2024). Self-construction in Lima: a population habit that shapes the urban environment. CONTEXTO. Revista De La Facultad De Arquitectura De La Universidad Autónoma De Nuevo León, 18(27), 15–29.