Iconología simbólica en procesos de diseño iconográfico con la iluminación natural


  • Carlos Cesar Morales Guzman Universidad Veracruzana




Arquitectura; iluminación; procesos neuronales


The following study was carried out to generate the architectural graphic ideation through natural lighting, for which the exercise developed here is made based on the celebration of the day of the dead, which is a mixture of religion and pre-Hispanic beliefs of our culture, Therefore, a method of design abstraction is developed that will carry out a conceptualization in the model and the translucent materials, this generates an effect that helps to form the iconographic idea through natural lighting. Therefore, the constant radiation of the sun will be considered, since the solar incidence will depend on the location, the season of the year, height, and time. Considering the factors that natural lighting emits, with the design methodology, it is implemented in the different representative figures of the Mexican culture “Día de Muertos”, specifically for this exercise the different types of materials that were used to develop the images are observed. different projections and shades of the materials.


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How to Cite

Morales Guzman, C. C. (2024). Iconología simbólica en procesos de diseño iconográfico con la iluminación natural. CONTEXTO. Revista De La Facultad De Arquitectura De La Universidad Autónoma De Nuevo León, 18(27), 110–124. https://doi.org/10.29105/contexto17.27-389