A Conceptual approach to the territory from a multidimensional perspective
Territory, practices of power, multidimensional visionAbstract
The space's configuration manifested in the conformation of territories has undergone deep modifications because of territoriality practices in the framework of increasingly complex and contradictory in social, economic, and political contexts.Understanding nature, orientation and meaning of spatial changes requires a theoretical base of great rigor and conceptual solidity.This article contains a review and contrast of the visions and theoretical approaches of the conceptions and perspectives from different authors of great relevance and recognition in various geographical contexts (European, North American and Latin American), which have provoked and enriched the debate on the territory from various disciplinary perspectives, with particular emphasis on the contributions of idealistic conceptions, with their cultural symbolic interpretation and dialectical materialism, in its naturalistic, economic and political aspectsAccording to this review, the contributions that propose an integrating vision that allows a deeper understanding of the multiplicity and complexity of the forms and expressions of the territory are highlighted. These approaches acquire a great validity of interpretation of the determining factors and the logics of change and transformations of the territories, according to the scenarios of the economic, social, political, and cultural relations of the societies and the incidence of the different practices of domination. and subordination of the hegemonic and subordinate groups of power that have determined practices of appropriation and control, defense, protection, codification, and domination in the territories, over time.The theoretical developments achieved have contributed to the incorporation of new meanings and differentiation of concepts with contributions for the construction of constellations of concepts that allow an understanding of the current realities of territorialization, in its various manifestations, multiterritoriality and its zonal, reticular and nodal logics.
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