Aging and immigration in Spanish urban spaces. An analysis at the municipal level
Inmigración, Envejecimiento demográfico, Espacio Urbano español, , Immigration, Demographic aging, Spanish urban space.Abstract
The Spanish population, burdened by one of the lowest birth rates in the European Union, has seen the emergence of aging as a threat to the sustainability of the welfare state. Immigration has been seen from some media as a possible palliative effect of the inexorable growth of the elderly population on Spanish society. The reasons given by these pro-immigration positions were based on the youth of the immigrant population, with an average age well below the Spanish; effect enhanced by the phenomena of family reunification that eventually accompanies labor migrants. These views also were reinforced by the large number of immigrants who arrived in Spain on a very short time lapse, especially between mid-1990 and slightly beyond middle of the first decade of this century, although the crisis that began in 2008 has seen a substantial change, slowing the arrival of new immigrants. In this paper, we measure the impact of immigration on the age structure of Spanish urban municipalities, specifically its contribution to the variation between 2002 and 2008 of the population (aging brake considered in absolute terms), the collective young (direct contribution to the rejuvenation of the Spanish population in the short term) and the birth (below expectations rejuvenation medium term).
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