Factors that explain the value of land. Case Hermosillo, Sonora, México
Valor del suelo, educación, renta, Land values, education, income.Abstract
The document shows the relationship between the value of housing land and the main real estate variables. This from the evident differentiation of land value through the city, framed in concepts of desirability of the built environment, urban accessibility and social hierarchy; obtained through education, income, accessibility, water consumption and crime.
The analysis of a database, geographically referenced, with 427 measurements of land values and property characteristics, in addition, indicators of the National Institute of Statistics and Geography, field measurements of the Municipal Agency Water Operator of Hermosillo, data obtained from the Secretariat of Public Security of the State of Sonora.
Data are integrated into a geographic information system, which allows for hedonic pricing models, whose are obtained by applying multivariate statistical analysis and the geographically weighted regression technique.
The results indicate a significant positive association of land value with the level of income, water consumption and education; until this moment, the accessibility and the crime in the city, seem to be characteristics that do not contribute value to the residential urban land.
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