Daily mobility and peripheral live in the Guadalajara metropolitan area: cost and social benefit
Vivienda periurbana, vialidad cotidiana, costo y beneficio social, peripheral housing, daily mobility, cost and social benefitAbstract
The exercise of urbanizing rural areas has allowed access social housing or popular products connected by secondary roads which generally converge in a main artery road network of interest. These scattered residential locations, have been characterized by shortcomings and deficiencies in infrastructure and basic equipment and represent significant impact on the time-cost relationship everyday use. This scenario puts at a disadvantage resident of the first or second periphery, which frequently uses public transport. This paper analyzes the relationship between social costs and benefits which have submitted peripheral residents of the Guadalajara metropolitan area, to meet their mobility needs and to make possible the access to jobs, health care, entertainment, etc. This paper through descriptive analysis and participant observation describes the relationship between costs and benefits that have recently presented residents living in urban peripheral of Guadalajara Metropolitan Area. The results suggest that a rethinking in the planning of infrastructure and urban transport, where the right is based to move in the city and the city, through a joint between accessibility and mobility is needed, where the first generate the conditions of the second.
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