Spanish metropolis at a crossroads: demographic and spatial issues
Spanish Metropolitan areas, International immigration and foreign nationality population, SuburbanisationAbstract
The main goal of this paper is to analyze, both from the demographic (growth) and territorial (residential mobility and population distribution) perspectives, the most recent metropolitan dynamics in the four major metropolitan areas
in Spain -Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia and Seville. In the first decade of the 21st century, Spanish population grows quickly (from 40.2 to 47.0 million inhabitants) due to the massive arrival of foreign immigrants, who grow from an exiguous 1.9% of the population in 1999 to more than 12% in 2010. Despite they distribute throughout the country, they specially concentrate in the big urban areas, where they have had a particularly strong demographic and spatial impact. Central cities do no longer have a stagnant or decreasing population, as they previously did, and have started to gain population once again, while the dispersion and suburbanization processes have also intensified. Foreigners, who
mainly settle for some time in metropolitan cores, are progressively joining suburbanization patterns. The current economic crisis has put end to this high growth stage. The four metropolis studied –where 14.3 million people or 30.5
% of the Spanish population reside, two million foreigners among them– have entered a new phase of change. Their future trends will largely depend on the duration of the economic recession.
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