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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • "I certify that the article submitted to CONTEXTO belongs to my own authorship, and it is fully original and unpublished. I declare that the article has not been published in other journals or any other publication, including electronic media, and that it has been submitted exclusively for the evaluation of CONTEXTO. I'm committed to wait for the opinions expressed by the reviewers consulted before submitting the publication to other media."

  • The file is in Microsoft Word format.

  • When possible, DOIs have been included in the cited references. Also, when possible, the URLs for the references have been provided.

  • The text has a spacing of space and a half, font size is 12 points, 3 cm. margins on all sides. All illustrations, figures and charts are placed within the text, not at the end or in separate files.

  • The text follows the stylistic and bibliographic requirements listed on the Author's Guidelines, which appears on the About section.

  • If a peer-reviewed section of the journal is sent, the instructions on Ensuring an anonymous evaluation should be followed.

  • The article does not include the author's or authors' names. The authors’ data and their institutional affiliation have been completed only in the metadata associated with the article.

Author Guidelines

People interested in publishing in CONTEXTO must submit their original manuscripts by registering on the journal’s website.

Regarding the number of authors and their contribution in the publication of articles, the indications given by the journal are:

i. It is only accepted the signature of three authors per article, dossier and others;

ii. Each author involved in the article must have a significant contribution in the creation of the publication (article).

The submitted articles will go through two reviews:

1. The editorial review in which it is declared that, if all the mandatory requirements have been fulfilled, the next step would be to accept the submission and, therefore, continue with the evaluation process.

2. The second review involves the peer-review process, with two randomly chosen reviewers. In case of any discrepancy during this review, the manuscript will be sent to a third evaluator, whose decision will define its publication.

The authors are obliged in a timely manner to elaborate the pertinent corrections that, in this case, are the result of this mandatory process indicated by the journal. Finally, the Editorial Board will decide if the article can be:

a) published with no corrections;

b) published with corrections; or

c) rejected.

This process may take up to six months.


Authors: presentation and extension of the articles

Articles and dossiers must not contain any evidence of the identities or institutional affiliations of the authors, except where requested. The manuscripts must:

i. Be an original and unpublished work;

ii. Not be previously sent to other journals, websites, and any other publishing mediums;

iii. Include the author(s) explicit explanation regarding financial funds for their work;

iiii. Not be withdrawn from the evaluation process once it has been received by the journal, nor sent to other publishers;

iiiii. The illustrations and pictures must be sent in a separate file as a JPG file (250 DPI).

Manuscripts must be presented in letter size, single spaced, in Times New Roman font of 12 points, with an extension between 4,000 and 10,000 words presented in a maximum of 25 pages for scientific articles (including tables, figures, bibliographic notes and references); and 1,500 words for book reviews.

Those articles that do not meet this requirement will be returned to their authors. Articles should include a title, in which, with the least possible number of words, the content of the article is adequately described. The title of the article must be translated into Spanish.

An abstract must also be included in the original language in which the article is written and its English translation, not exceeding 200 words. It must be followed by 3 keywords separated by semicolons (;), these too in the original language of the article and in English. This rule does not apply to book reviews.

The hierarchy of the contents (epigraphs and subheadings) will be presented with the next font styles: uppercase for the first level, italics for the second and round text for the third. Do not apply indentation at the beginning of the paragraph, nor leave space between them. To highlight words or expressions, italics or quotation marks will be used, but underlining or bold highlighting will never be used.


Charts, figures and graphs

They will be adjusted according to the format of the journal. They will be numbered correlatively (Arabic numerals) and independently. They will have a short title (centered, in uppercase). The sources will be indicated below the item. The headers of the items will be written in italics. Other texts around the item will be in round letter.


Notes and bibliographical references

The notes must be essential and will be placed at the end of each page. Footnotes with bibliographic references will not be included. Bibliographic references should not be extended unnecessarily (only the one cited in the text), and should appear complete at the end of the article, arranged alphabetically and, for each author, in chronological order, from oldest to most recent. To cite authors within the text, the first last name will be indicated in parentheses and next the year, separated by a comma (Pérez, 2005); in case the cite is textual, the text will be between quotation marks; and in parentheses, right after the last name and the year, the page where the cited text can be found (Pérez, 2005: 27).

The complete bibliographic reference will appear at end of the text, not at the footer. Only the works cited in the text will be indicated. The alphabetical order of the author’s last names will be used, being the first letter in uppercase and the following in lowercase, preferably followed by the full name of the authors or author, and the year of publication in parentheses.


The title will be in italics, indicating below it the city and the publisher.

Example: Andrews, Gavin J. y Phillips, David R. (2005), Ageing and Place. Perspectives, policy, practice. New York, Routledge.



In the case of an article, the title will be between quotation marks, the name of the journal in italics and, later, volume (Vol.), number (Num.) of the journal and the first and final pages.

Example: SILVA, Eliud (2009), "Mortalidad por accidentes automovilísticos en la Zona Metropolitana de la Ciudad de México al final del siglo XX", Papeles de Población, Vol. 15, núm. 62, octubre-diciembre, pp. 143-172.


Book chapter:

The title will be in italics, indicating below the city and the publisher.

Example: Hilhorst, D. y Bankoff, G. (2004), "Introduction: mapping vulnerability", in Bankoff, G., Frerks, G. y Hilhorst, D. (eds.), Mapping Vulnerability: Disasters, Development and People. London, Earthscan, pp. 1-9.


Electronic resource:

As long as possible, electronic resources will be cited according to the following general model: Principal responsible (author) (year) Title. Secondary Responsible(s). [Type of support]. Edition. Place of publication: Editor (Collection), date of update or revision. Physical description. Notes. [Date of consultation].

Example: Vázquez, Patricia, Sacido, Mónica y Zulaica, Laura (2012), "Técnicas de análisis para el ordenamiento territorial de cuencas agropecuarias: aplicaciones en la Pampa Austral, Argentina", Scripta Nova. Revista Electrónica de Geografía y Ciencias Sociales, Vol. XVI, núm. 392, 20 de febrero de 2012, . [20 de febrero de 2012].


The manuscripts will be sent to the journal’s website ( Receipt of the originals will be notified within a minimum period of thirty days. The authorities of the journal, after receiving the anonymous peer-review reports, will decide about their publication within a maximum period of six months. The authorities of the journal will reject any work that does not follow these rules.

People interested in publishing in CONTEXTO should consider that it is prohibited, by the regulations of the journal, submitting for publication and/or publishing the same article in more than one journal or magazine.


Fees and Payments

It should be stated that CONTEXTO does not consider among its policies the charge of any fee (cash or any other payment method) for the processing of original manuscripts, book reviews and any other of the journal’s sections.


En esta sección de artículos, sí se requiere evaluación por pares ciegos y de resumen en español e inglés; con las características detarminadas en la sección de normas para autores.


En esta sección de Dossier, sí se requiere evaluación por pares ciegos y de resumen en español e inglés; con las características detarminadas en la sección de normas para autores.

Book Review

La reseña no requiere revisión de pares ciegos ni de resumen.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses presented in this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes established therein and will not be provided to third parties or used with any other purposes.

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