On the situation in building and preparation of project “Great Vladivostok” in Primorye region in 1950-1960


  • Alexander Kim Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service, Institute of law, Department of international relations and law
  • Mariia Surzhik Ussuriysk Agrarian College
  • Aleksandra Motorina NA



Palabras clave:

Vladivostok, Far East, USSR, history, urbanization, city


The "Great Vladivostok" project of the Khrushchev period is relatively little known in the history of the USSR due to political reasons. It was not only a part of Khrushchev's great construction reform in the country, but also an attempt to consolidate the influence of the Soviet Union in Eastern Asia, to create a new type of port, and to settle the territory of the south of the Far East with immigrants from the western part of the country. In addition, the project had a number of features that both Soviet and foreign scholars did not pay attention to. However, project had very important significance not only building policy in the region, but for state too. Moreover, it had influence for building policy in the other periods of existing USSR and different states of socialistic system. The authors use archival materials, oral history, and the works of researchers, including unpublished one, in this article.

We used historical- comparative and hermeneutic methods of research in this work. The aims of the work are consideration of building situation in Primorye before the start of “Great Vladivostok”.


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2022-12-22 — Actualizado el 2022-12-30


Cómo citar

Kim, A., Surzhik, M. ., & Motorina, A. (2022). On the situation in building and preparation of project “Great Vladivostok” in Primorye region in 1950-1960. CONTEXTO. Revista De La Facultad De Arquitectura De La Universidad Autónoma De Nuevo León, 16(25), 53–59. https://doi.org/10.29105/contexto16.25-370 (Original work published 22 de diciembre de 2022)